Garden Rooms by TOJO Building Services 

Garden Rooms by TOJO Building Services 

Garden rooms have become extremely popular in recent years, often due to the need for home office space. 
A garden room is an ideal office due to the levels of natural light that can be achieved but they are also great for playrooms, gyms, used as a summerhouse and much more. 
A garden room can also be lived in although this would be one occasion where planning permission would be required. So if you are moving an elderly relative in or it's a child's first step towards independence, then this is very achievable. 
A garden room's use, size and the area you live in can all make a difference to whether planning permission is required or not and we will be able to advise on this. 
Highly cost effective and quick to build a garden room can be fully fitted out and be just as cosy as being fact it is indoors, outdoors. 
Living Area 
An office 
A home gym 
A playroom 
A granny annex 
Contact us to find out more.